Weight Loss Breakfast Ideas

When we’re trying to diet, we can run out of weight loss breakfast ideas fast. “Eat fruit”, people may say, but fruit passes through the digestive system so fast that you’ll probably find you’re soon hungry again, no matter how much of the stuff you eat.

You need something more substantial if it’s going to see you through the whole morning without the kind of hunger that makes you rush for a doughnut or a cream-and-chocolate topped coffee at 11:00 a.m. On the other hand, you probably wouldn’t want something real bulky like low carb noodles at this time of day.

So what are some of the more filling weight loss breakfast ideas?

An Old Friend

First up, is oatmeal. Yes, our old friend that all of the advertisers used to try to convince our parents to make us eat every morning when we were small. Because it’s true, oatmeal is both filling and lasting, and it’s comforting too.

Known as ‘porridge’ in some countries, it’s the perfect breakfast alternative if you want a hot breakfast but are not in the mood for eggs. In addition, oatmeal is made quickly and easily in your microwave.

What You Will Need:

Oatmeal with blueberriesMakes 2 servings
• 450ml water
• 110g oatmeal
• 2g artificial sweetener
• 225ml skimmed or soya milk

What to Do:

1. Add water and oatmeal in a microwave safe bowl and cook on high for four minutes.

2. Let cool down for about one minute.

3. Stir in milk and sweetener.

4. Divide finished oatmeal between two bowls.

If you are preparing on the hob:

1. Combine the oatmeal and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.

2. Reduce the heat and cook for five more minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Stir in sweetener and milk and let cool.

4. Divide between two bowls.

We’ve shown it with blueberries, but you can add other things to oatmeal, of course, like a banana, or some nuts and seeds. It’s also delicious soaked in milk overnight and then cooked in the morning – it needs less cooking that way.

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Strawberry smoothieAnother cold meal breakfast option is a low carb shake or smoothie. This is a quick option that will keep you satisfied for all morning long. You have the choice to buy a readymade shake from a health store or you can make your own quickly and easily:

Simply blend together a cup of soya or no-fat milk, add one scoop of chocolate or vanilla protein powder, 2 tablespoons of flax seed, a half a cup of coconut milk, 3-4 ice cubes, and sweetener to taste. You may not need sweetener at all, depending how much there is in your protein powder.

These are just a couple of simple and delicious suggestions for breakfast when you need to lose weight. You can find plenty more weight loss breakfast ideas with a little online research. Then stock up on your favorite ingredients so you always have the makings of a healthy and diet-friendly breakfast in your kitchen.

You’ll find more weight loss tips here, but the golden rule for breakfast is: if it’s quick and easy, and if there’s variety, it will be easier for you to stick to your new diet.

3 thoughts on “Weight Loss Breakfast Ideas

  1. Nadya

    I am lactose intolerant and I eat oatmeal. You can make oatmeal with non-dairy alternatives like soya milk or almond milk. If you like sweet things, try making it with apple juice. That can be delicious. I actually like it with plain water, and a sliced banana stirred in.

  2. Mani

    You have provided a very helpful post. I’m always looking for breakfast ideas. I need to eat enough at breakfast that I don’t start snacking right away when I reach the office.


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